Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Ever wondered why we cry? Is it because someone hurt us? Or because we have done something wrong? Or because we didn’t get what we craved for? I don’t think any of these reasons make us cry. Its actually a sort of awe that gets instilled in us that makes us cry. The awe of how this world moves about. How people are able to accept things they shouldn’t. how we were born & what created emotions. I cry. I do. Yes I do cry a lot. For me, for her, for the world. Tears are not essential for crying. For that fact tears to some extent decreases the intensity with which we cry. We don’t think about all these stuff when we cry. We just cry. No,I don’t think so. Actually seldom we realize we are crying. As I said tears are not required. That’s where we are bound. We associate crying with tears only. Most of the times we cry we don’t shed tears. When we shed tears that is the time when we have hope in heart! We cry,at heart …. I am messing it up. I should write as ‘I’ cry, not ‘we’. Who am I to pass a judgment on ‘we’s crying? I cry,at heart with a smile on my face after cracking one more of those silly ‘cow’ jokes. But my friends don’t realize. To them I’m that mad guy cracking excessively poor(but sometimes they are intelligent too!) jokes, every now & then & making people laugh. But I cry. I cry. Awe? Yeah. Ye’awe maybe.

P.S.- Hope this doesn’t sound like an ad of Child, Relief & You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(CRY)

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